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Client FAQ

  • How long has ADFITECH been in business?
    Founded in 1983, ADFITECH is one of the oldest and largest audit firms of its kind. We provide loan level audits to lenders of all sizes, in every state of the U.S.
  • Can ADFITECH provide us a QC plan? What does it cost?
    Yes. ADFITECH has a quality control plan that has been accepted by every Agency and private investor that we have presented it to. ADFITECH will work with you to customize a mortgage quality control plan for your specific investor's requirements. And the ADFITECH quality control plan is included at no additional cost as part of our quality control services.
  • What mortgage quality control software do you use? Can I buy it?
    ADITECH uses a proprietary quality control software package that has been developed by us, for only us and our clients. It is being updated and refined constantly. We do not sell our software because we believe it is also necessary to have trained professionals that know quality control and can provide our clients iwth years of experience that you can not find by simply buying a software program.
  • Do I have to sign a long term contract to do business with ADFITECH?
    No. The ADIFTECH agreement is a month-to-month agreement. You are under no contractual obligation to continue doing business with ADFITECH; however, we are confident that you will continue to utilize our services because of the quality of our work and outstanding customer service.
  • Is ADFITECH approved by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, VA, FHLB?"
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  • Can we send a test file for review?
    Yes. We would both need to sign a NDA and Confidentiality Agreement to ensure the privacy of your customer and give us the authouriy to conduct the necessart investigation. This would not obligate you to send any future work to us. If you want to stop after the test file, that is your choice. On the other hand, if you do chose to continue with ADFITECH quality control services, all we have to do is execute a Master Agreement for quality control services and you are ready to go.
  • What makes ADFITECH different from other QC vendors?
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  • How do you protect my customer's private information?
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  • Does ADFITECH have a SAS-70 or SSAE16?
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  • Can I get a copy of your financial statement?
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  • Do you carry liability insurance?
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  • How long does it take to set up?
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  • How do I sign up with ADFITECH?
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