Fannie Mae issued a Selling Notice on June 22, 2022, to introduce Quality Control Calibrations, an expanded and formalized initiative to engage with a larger segment of our lenders in the calibration of their QC results. In QC, calibration is the process of comparing a lender’s own internal QC results to a known measurement, or standard, to confirm the accuracy of the lender’s results.

The Selling Notice stated that "In the past, we have completed calibration exercises as needed with lenders to validate the accuracy of their internal QC results in relation to Fannie Mae expectations, and to highlight opportunities to strengthen their QC program.
Beginning in Q4 2022, we will conduct QC calibrations on a regular basis across lenders as a component of a lender’s overall QC program assessment. The lender selection process will be a risk-based approach that considers a lender’s existing controls and Fannie Mae delivery volume."
For more information on Fannie Mae's Quality Control Calibrations, Read the Full Selling Notice or refer to the QC Calibrations FAQ.
"Strengthen your QC program: QC reporting" - Read the Fannie Mae Quality Insider (June 2022)
"This edition of Quality Insider is the second installment in our series designed to strengthen core QC governance elements. This article focuses on the importance of leveraging QC reports to reduce risk and improve loan quality."
At ADFITECH, we track industry changes daily and are always striving to support your success by sharing our knowledge of the latest updates, trends, and opportunities. For over 35 years, we have combined innovative technology with personal attention to every loan to meet each of our clients’ unique needs.
Learn more about the benefits of working with an experienced quality control partner. Contact us today by filling out a form here.
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